Lou Reads about Mean Siblings

Kids are mean. Siblings are even meaner. In this update I read stories from the Something Awful forums as the members discuss their encounters both on the receiving and giving ends of youthful cruelty.

Siblings Are Mean

Lou Reads about Peoples Bad Drug Experiences

whomever you are, you may be pro-drugs or against drugs but one thing everyone enjoys is a good story of a bad drug experience. Why? Because when someone tells you about a good drug experience you are either wishing you were them or too busy condeming them in your mind to really listen. With a bad drug experience every goes “Oh man, thats fucked up. I am glad I’m not you.” So everyone wins. The source of the read is Erowid. If you have a question about a drug you want to do thats a great place to go… I hear….

Please enjoy this random sampling of peoples personal bad drug trip experiences.


Lou Reads about Salvia


I try not to be too informative but sometimes when you read something you just can’t help but learn or teach. Thats the case today. I really apologize if you happen to take something away from this listen. I mean it would really be awful if you exposed yourself to something new and had your pre-conceived notions challenged. Yeah, that would be terrible. Again, I apologize for your learning in advance. You should probably go do so some salvia afterwards to fix the whole learning problem.

Please enjoy this extra ENHANCED version of the audio with pictorial accompaniment. You can still listen to the classic one below if you don’t care.

 Lou reads about Adult Babies


For our second delightful reading for you I’d like to share the delights of the world of adult babies. Diaper Dreams is a forum which is for and about people who like baby-play. It’s pretty creepy to read about. I hope you enjoy listening to a few moments of their world. Again, I didn’t write any of this. I read it right off the screen.

If you like what you’re hearing make sure you subscribe to our RSS feed. If you want to listen in your iPod make sure you subscribe to the Podcast on iTunes. If you have anything you think I should read then leave a comment. And by all means tell all your friends over and over about how great these are.


Lou is Reading the Internet for You!


Hey there. My name is Lou. I’m hoping that you want to listen to something interesting today. Why? Well, because I have something interesting for you to listen to. Is it something you can listen to at work, on the train, in the car or anywhere really. This is of course if you can wear headphones. Except in the car. It’s illegal to wear headphones while you’re driving. If someone else is driving then go ahead and drown them out with my voice. You’ve earned it. Anyway, I’m going to be reading the interesting things I come across from the internet for you. I think it should be pretty entertaining and I hope you think so, too.

Lets get started with a delightful read from a forum dedicated to the love of farting. Yes, this is such a thing and if you think thats weird then you probably should get used to hearing stuff that you won’t believe is real. Please remember that I do not write these things. I just find the funniest, weirdest or woest stuff I can to read and do so.