I’m not dead!

Hello friends. I don’t care if you don’t think we are. I think we are and that distinction makes all the difference. Just wanted to let you know that I’m not dead. I didn’t forget to read the internet for you. I am on vacation! I actually just survived the awesomeness of  hurricane Bill. Here is a pic of the ocean surge pushing up the steps of our vacation home at high tide. Normally its about 50-60 feet away!!!

Ocean Surges up the Steps of our vacation house

I also go hired to do some voice-over work while I was on my vacation. Luckily I had my mic. Sadly I have another job to edit on my vacation so no new Lou Reads until I am back in the grind in NYC. In the meantime please enjoy this classic video made by my friends Rob and Sam. I play a drug dealer in this video they made before they moved to LA and broke my heart.

When I get back I’ll be reading more delightful bestiality forums and a forum I recently discovered which deals with how to cast a love spell on a person with a candle!