Lou Reads from The NiceGuy (Men Going Their Own Way) Forums

This week I’m reading from the forums of The-Niceguy.com. If you really don’t like American women then you are going to enjoy this episode. If you ARE an American woman then… why are so terrible? Ask yourself that! Well, if you don’t want to do your introspection this forum and it’s fed-up-with-feminism members will be happy to explain it to and your tiny, selfish brain.

That's why marital rape laws should be abolished, AMIRITE?!?!
That’s why marital rape laws should be abolished, AMIRITE?!?!

14 thoughts on “Lou Reads from The NiceGuy (Men Going Their Own Way) Forums”

  1. Woo! New episode, and with one of your best subjects yet!

    It’s great to have you back. I hope I never have to wait a month again.

  2. Holy shit, that was some disturbing stuff (not gross, just insane), and from this podcast that’s saying something. Anyways, nice to see you back.

  3. >Holy shit, that was some disturbing stuff (not gross, just insane), and from this podcast that’s saying something.

    Isn’t that why we come here, though? 😛

  4. Wow. This is the first episode of Lou Reads that I’ve listened to (I’ve enjoyed you on The F+). Talk about jumping in at the deep end. I’m utterly speechless.
    Well done, keeping such a pleasant and enjoyable tone throughout this tripe. 🙂

  5. Can’t speak for the millions of other American women, but these dudes give me terminal sand in the vagina, and that’s why I’m so terrible!

  6. Great stuff as always. Super entertaining. The marital rape thing was ridiculous though. Makes me wonder how some of these people function in their day to day life.

  7. I bursted out laughing how you said “thus a man should be aloud to rape his wife”. These people are so goddam fucked up jesus christ.

    I swear to god Lou, the minor inflections you sometimes do makes this shit bearable and even hilarious.

  8. Great episode, although it was damned rough to listen to. Those guys and their philosophies made my testes shrivel.

  9. I just listened to this episode… Thanks for sharing. Everything is clear, but I like American women.

  10. Well, that was pretty unexpected. I guess that those topics should be discussed a lot, if you’re right in that. (SPAM LINK REMOVED)

  11. I do not understand why you have such dislike for them. in this regard, I would give up such thoughts

    (admin note: No period at the end of your sentence? I guess you need a spam-post corrector.)

  12. Sometimes that is really digusting to read such things about women. We are wanderful!!! All the people in the world!!


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